
유학생 및 지역 학생들을 위해 대학진학에 필요한 모든 서비스를 제공합니다.

홈스테이, 유학프로그램, 진학 지도, 전과목과 모든 레벨의 일대일 개인 지도 서비스, 인턴쉽과 봉사활동,

인문 사회 자연과학 분야의 리서치 연구활동, 대학탐방, 대학입학원서작성 및 에세이 첨삭지도 등 전 분야에 걸쳐

여러 전문 상담 선생님들과 함께 책임있게 가이드해 드립니다.

Areas of Service :

Our main service is centered and catered around the admission's process. To further this, it is broken down into three essential categories:

    1. Preparation
    2. Presentation
    3. Application


What empirical factors do colleges look at in evaluating a student?

    • GPA
      • Upward Trend
      • Range
      • Class Rank
    • Standardized Test Scores
      • SAT
      • SAT Subject Tests
      • ACT
    • Challenging High School Curriculum
      • Honors
      • AP
      • IB
    • Extracurricular Activities
      • Quality vs. Quantity
      • Community Service
      • Work Experience
        • Internships
      • Research
    • Essay
      • Provides Insight
      • Personality, Values, Goal
      • Thoughtful, Personal
    • Recommendations
      • Counselor
      • Teachers
      • Outside Recommendations
    • Awards & Recognition
      • In School
      • Out of School

While numbers do not necessarily tell the complete story of the applicant, it provides universities with a viable metric in determining a raw impression. They say that a first impression can never be made twice, and as a result, Prime Education Consulting seeks to place students in positions to make outstanding raw first impressions. To do this, we make ourselves available for each factor listed above. Prime Education Consulting begins by first assessing each student's specific area of need and afterwards, connects them with a certified professional to address whatever problems may arise. We provide students with quality teachers to help improve grades and test scores. We connect students to various mentors through our well-established and trusted network in order to provide opportunities outside the classroom in professional environments to gain experience. We provide feedback of progress every step of the way to help ensure that both the parents and the student feel confident going forward. Our main goal in the preparation stage is to provide students all the opportunities and resources to excel in order to create a competitive application.


How does one determine which colleges to apply to?

    • Academics
      • Rigor
      • Prestige
    • Resources
      • Private
      • Public
      • Research
      • Endowment
    • Social Life
      • Location
      • Proximity
    • Culture
      • Emphasis
    • Visits
      • Tours
      • Overnights
      • Network with Past Prime Education Consulting Students

Often, an overlooked fact during the admission's process in the notion that whatever school one chooses to attend, it becomes a home away from for the next few years. While academics and prestige certainly play a huge role in determining which schools to apply to, it is also critical to keep in mind other factors. Prestige alone does not lead to happiness and satisfaction. Therefore, Prime Education Consulting focuses on the critical aspect of a best fit when it comes to choosing the universities to apply to. Where will the applicant maximize his or her abilities and potential both in and out of the classroom? We work on a personal level with each student so that we can find the answers to these questions.


What makes a strong application?

With strong preparation and a good understanding of what schools to apply to, the only step left is to fill out the application. This becomes very natural as the student goes through the preparation and presentation stages, as he or she will feel the confidence needed to put everything together. Our role here is to help guide the student in putting everything together in an organized, concise manner that will effectively display the student's successes in and out of the classroom while demonstrating the excellent character that is common among Prime Education Consulting students.